Jürgen Witte was made honorary citizen of Voiron by the deputy mayor of Voiron, Mrs Dolores Zambon, at the 10th November 2015 dinner celebrating the twinning partnerships of Voiron, in the presence of the delegations of Bassano del Grappa (headed by Giovanna Ciccotti, Deputy mayor for Culture), of Droitwich Spa (headed by Roy Murphy, deputy mayor) and of the Kreis Herford (headed by Rolf Heemeier, Kreisdirektor).
Mr Jürgen Witte has been an active member of the exchanges between Herford and Voiron for many years. In 1985, he was invited by the then mayor of Voiron, Philippe Vial, to participate in the St Martin's Fair with his gastronomic products. Until 2013, he used to come every year to the Fair with his team and the Herforder sausages and beer, which are still the delight of the people from Voiron and surroundings.