En raison de la crise sanitaire, c'est en comité très restreint,
officiels et anciens combattants seulement, que s'est déroulée la
cérémonie du 11 novembre. Les représentants des villes jumelles
n'étaient pas invités; les gerbes de Bassano del Grappa, Droitwich spa
et Herford ont été déposées au monument aux morts par le maire Voiron
Julien Polat.
Lors de la 663e Foire de la Saint Martin de Voiron les 10 et 11 novembre 2019, des délégations des villes jumelées avec Voiron, Bassano del Grappa, Droitwich Spa et Kreis Herford ont été reçues à Voiron.
Le 10 novembre 2019 après-midi, une réunion de travail a permis d'élaborer les projets pour 2020 et d'envisager d'éventuels nouveaux projets à élaborer.
La soirée à la Salle des Fêtes a été introduite par des discours de Julien Polat, Maire de Voiron, Jürgen Müller, Landrat du Kreis Herford, Giada Pontarollo, Conseillère municipale de la Commune de Bassano del Grappa, John Everard, Chairman du Droitwich Partnership Committee, et Pierre Micol, président du Comité de Jumelage de Voiron.
Hervé Michalet, président d'Amitié Voiron-Herford, et François Genton, professeur de l'Université de Grenoble, ont présenté le 11e festival du film allemand qui aura lieu du 13 au 19 novembre 2019.
La restauration avec un très bon buffet était assurée par A.T.P. Salmorenc. Le groupe voironnais Luba a agrémenté la soirée par sa musique entraînante.
Like every year at the Foire de la Saint Martin (the Martin's fair), on 10th and 11th November, in 2017, the representatives of the twinned towns Bassano del Grappa, Droitwich Spa and Kreis Herford met, for commemorations, a working meeting and a gala evening.
Voiron was present at the Festival on 18th and 19th June 2016. The farmers Christelle and Luc Tirard-Gatel and Gilles Convert were accompanied by Marc Allibert, president of the Voiron English Club and Pierre Micol. The organizers of the festival offered a free stand were local products from Voiron could be sold. It was a pleasure to meet again customers from last year's festival !
Jürgen Witte was made honorary citizen of Voiron by the deputy mayor of Voiron, Mrs Dolores Zambon, at the 10th November 2015 dinner celebrating the twinning partnerships of Voiron, in the presence of the delegations of Bassano del Grappa (headed by Giovanna Ciccotti, Deputy mayor for Culture), of Droitwich Spa (headed by Roy Murphy, deputy mayor) and of the Kreis Herford (headed by Rolf Heemeier, Kreisdirektor).
Mr Jürgen Witte has been an active member of the exchanges between Herford and Voiron for many years. In 1985, he was invited by the then mayor of Voiron, Philippe Vial, to participate in the St Martin's Fair with his gastronomic products. Until 2013, he used to come every year to the Fair with his team and the Herforder sausages and beer, which are still the delight of the people from Voiron and surroundings.
On the Place de l'Europe at Voiron, a plaque is a tribute to the European Union and shows the towns twinned with Voiron. This plaque is a gift from the stonecutter company Prévieux and was engraved as courtesy by Mr Roger Pilot. It was inaugurated in October 2004. Since then, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia have joined the European Union and Droitwich Spa was twinned with Voiron.
To take these changes into account, the plaque was completed and the updated version was inaugurated on 10th November 2015 by the mayor of Voiron, Julien Polat, in the presence of the delegations of Bassano del Grappa (headed by Giovanna Ciccotti, Deputy mayor for Culture), of Droitwich Spa (headed by Roy Murphy, deputy mayor) and of the Kreis Herford (headed by Rolf Heemeier, Kreisdirektor).
Following the terrorist attacks at Paris and Saint Denis Friday 13th November 2015, representatives of Bassano del Grappa, Droitwich Spa and Herford expressed their sympathy towards the Comité de Jumelage de Voiron (Twinning Committee of Voiron).
Citizens of Herford and Löhne observed a moment of silence in front of their townhalls - see the press articles attached.